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About Us

Persadam is all about spiritualism-finding oneself in his self.

Shunoto means Listen
Janto means Learn
Parivardhate means Grow

In this daily chronic life of competition, money chase and trying to make other’happy- we have lost ourselves and our connect to Prabhu. Than in search of him and happiness we approach Fake bababs or tantriks. Persadam is all about the connect through different means and ways. We connect people through Nitya Puja in Home or Office. We also provide daily pershad services at Corporates- Hospitals- Hotels Meditation & Yoga offline at Corporates and homes. Early morning discourses on Bhagvad/ Vedas/ Gurbani as one combine. This can also be provided at your office campus at paid subscription. Persadam is all about the connect through different means and ways.

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